Results for 'O. Nancy Núñez'

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  1. ¿Un Wittgenstein? ¿dos Wittgenstein? La concepción religiosa como elemento unificador de su filosofía.Nancy Núñez de Morillo - 2011 - Apuntes Filosóficos 20 (38):239-258.
    Por tradición, cuando hablamos de Wittgenstein, es casi inevitable especificar a cuál Wittgenstein nos estamos refiriendo. Así, pareciera menester aclarar si estamos hablando del Wittgenstein del Tractatus,1 que tradicionalmente ha sido llamado el primer Wittgenstein, quien se esforzó por diferenciar entre lo que se puede decir con lógica y sentido y lo que no se puede decir porque son sinsentidos (más no carentes de sentido) donde encajan los juicios éticos, estéticos y religiosos, o del segundo Wittgenstein, el de las Investigaciones (...)
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    La inclusión de métodos y relaciones deductivas para fortalecer la teoría en ciencias sociales.Nancy Abigail Nuñez Hernández - 2024 - Euphyía - Revista de Filosofía 17 (33):1-20.
    El desarrollo de las ciencias sociales enfrenta retos complejos que incluyen elegir la metodología y desarrollo teórico adecuados para abordar sus objetos de estudio. Para contribuir a enfrentar estos retos, se toma como punto de partida el amplio reconocimiento de que un criterio para la aceptación o rechazo de teorías consiste en tomar en cuenta su capacidad para dar cuenta de los fenómenos sociales. Este trabajo se propone mostrar que el desarrollo de teorías que nos permitan comprender los fenómenos sociales (...)
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    Deducción y conocimiento nuevo: una propuesta científicamente informada para enfrentar la paradoja de la inferencia.Nancy Abigail Nuñez Hernández - 2024 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 91:121-136.
    In deduction the truth of the premises guarantees the truth of the conclusion because the conclusion is contained in the premises; because of that many philosophers have denied the possibility of gaining knowledge through deduction or through deductive reasoning, which leads to a problem known as the paradox of inference. To address this problem, I propose a distinction between deductive reasoning as a cognitive process capable of generating new knowledge, and implication as a logical relation between propositions, which accounts for (...)
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  4. ¿Un Wittgenstein? ¿dos Wittgenstein? La concepción religiosa como elemento unificador de su filosofía.Nancy Núñez - 2011 - Apuntes Filosóficos 20 (38).
    Resumen Por tradición, cuando hablamos de Wittgenstein, es casi inevitable especificar a cuál Wittgenstein nos estamos refiriendo. Así, pareciera menester aclarar si estamos hablando del Wittgenstein del Tractatus,1 que tradicionalmente ha sido llamado el primer Wittgenstein, quien se esforzó por diferenciar entre lo que se puede decir con lógica y sentido y lo que no se puede decir porque son sinsentidos (más no carentes de sentido) donde encajan los juicios éticos, estéticos y religiosos, o del segundo Wittgenstein, el de las (...)
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  5. La Filosofía de la Educación de Dewey: ¿Una Utopia?Nancy Nuñez - 2007 - Apuntes Filosóficos 30.
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  6. Justification Logic and the Epistemic Contribution of Deduction.Nancy Abigail Nuñez Hernández & Francisco Hernández-Quiroz - 2024 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 33 (3):381-402.
    Accounting for the epistemic contribution of deduction has been a pervasive problem for logicians interested in deduction, such as, among others, Jakko Hintikka. The problem arises because the conclusion validly deduced from a set of premises is said to be “contained” in that set; because of this containment relation, the conclusion would be known from the moment the premises are known. Assuming this, it is problematic to explain how we can gain knowledge by deducing a logical consequence implied by a (...)
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    Mobilising common biocultural heritage for the socioeconomic inclusion of small farmers: panarchy of two case studies on quinoa in Chile and Bolivia.Thierry Winkel, Lizbeth Núñez-Carrasco, Pablo José Cruz, Nancy Egan, Luís Sáez-Tonacca, Priscilla Cubillos-Celis, Camila Poblete-Olivera, Natalia Zavalla-Nanco, Bárbara Miño-Baes & Maria-Paz Viedma-Araya - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (2):433-447.
    Valorising the biocultural heritage of common goods could enable peasant farmers to achieve socially and economically inclusive sustainability. Increasingly appreciated by consumers, peasant heritage products offer small farmers promising opportunities for economic, social and territorial development. Identifying the obstacles and levers of this complex, multi-scale and multi-stakeholder objective requires an integrative framework. We applied the panarchy conceptual framework to two cases of participatory research with small quinoa producers: a local fair in Chile and quinoa export production in Bolivia. In both (...)
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    Philosophy of Computing. Themes from IACAP 2019.Lundgren Björn & Nancy Abigail Nuñez Hernández (eds.) - 2022 - Cham: Springer.
    This book features a unique selection of works presented at the 2019 annual international conference of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP). Every contribution has been peer-reviewed, revised, and extended. The included chapters are thematically diverse; topics include epistemology, dynamic epistemic logic, topology, philosophy of science and computation, game theory and abductive inferences, automated reasoning and mathematical proofs, computer simulations, scientific modelling, applied ethics, pedagogy, human-robot interactions, and big data, algorithms, and artificial intelligence. The volume is a testament (...)
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  9. Austin : la "superación" de Wittgenstein?O. Nancy Núñez - 1994 - In Verónica Rodríguez Blanco & Agustín Martínez A., Lenguaje, epistemología y ciencias sociales. Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Comisión de Estudios de Postgrado, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales.
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    The Use of Medical Records in Research: What Do Patients Want?Nancy E. Kass, Marvin R. Natowicz, Sara Chandros Hull, Ruth R. Faden, Laura Plantinga, Lawrence O. Gostin & Julia Slutsman - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (3):429-433.
    In the past ten years, there has been growing interest in and concern about protecting the privacy of personal medical information. Insofar as medical records increasingly are stored electronically, and electronic information can be shared easily and widely, there have been legislative efforts as well as scholarly analyses calling for greater privacy protections to ensure that patients can feel safe disclosing personal information to their health-care providers. At the same time, the volume of biomedical research conducted in this country continues (...)
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    Masculinity and Femininity: Essential to the Identity of the Human Person.Nancy O'Donnell - 2014 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 19 (1-2):109-122.
    The title of this congress begins with the word “identity”. It also includes the word “reciprocity,” which indicates a form of relationship and finally, “gift of self”. This would lead us to conclude that the identity of the human person has something to do with reciprocity and that reciprocity involves giving of oneself to others. This talk will attempt to shed light on how the concept of gender might in some way be incorporated into these three concepts. Defining what constitutes (...)
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    Plausibility and Early Theory in Linguistics and Cognitive Science.Giosue Baggio, Aniello De Santo & Nancy Abigail Nuñez Hernández - forthcoming - Computational Brain and Behavior:1-13.
    Various notions of plausibility are used in cognitive science to argue for or against the “goodness of theories.” However, plausibility remains poorly understood and difcult to analyze. We review debates in the philosophy of science on uses of plausibility in the assessment of novel scientifc theories as well as recent attempts to formalize, reform, or eliminate specifc notions of plausibility. Although these discussions highlight important concerns behind plausibility claims, they fail to identify viable notions of plausibility that are sufciently diferent (...)
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    A morte da bailarina.Nancy Mangabeira Unger - 2009 - Horizonte 7 (15):157-166.
    A história do Ocidente pode ser lida de acordo com o sentido da palavra grega hybris : transgressão, presunção, desmesura. Hoje, vivemos o ápice de um percurso marcado pela desejo de tudo dominar. Por sua extrema gravidade, a crise contemporânea nos coloca diante da responsabilidade de questionar a própria dimensão na qual pensamos, e a maneira em que compreendemos nossa identidade enquanto humanos e nosso lugar na totalidade do real. Palavras-chave : civilização ocidental; crise; hybris ; questionamento.The history of the (...)
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    On Empty Compliments and Deceptive Detours: A Neopragmatist Response to Theodore W. Nunez.Nancy Frankenberry - 1999 - Journal of Religious Ethics 27 (1):129 - 136.
    The philosophical question Nunez raises is whether we can have, as he thinks we need, a theoretical grounding for appeal to the intrinsic value of nature. This article examines the neopragmatist reasons for repudiating metaphysical realism's notions of intrinsicality and subject-independent reality. Following the holism of Donald Davidson and Richard Rorty rather than the epistemological premises of Holmes Rolston and Bernard Lonergan, the author concludes that coping with the ecological crisis does not require conjuring an epistemic crisis. Environmental ethics in (...)
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  15. Do ser-em-comum.Jean Luc Nancy - 2010 - In Bruno Pexe Dias & José Neves, A política dos muitos: povo, classes e multidão. Lisboa: Ediçoes Tinta-da-China.
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    Post-consent assessment of dental subjects' understanding of informed consent in oral health research in Nigeria.Olaniyi O. Taiwo & Nancy Kass - 2009 - BMC Medical Ethics 10 (1):11.
    Research participants may not adequately understand the research in which they agree to enroll. This could be due to a myriad of factors. Such a missing link in the informed consent process contravenes the requirement for an.
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    The Dual Epidemics of Tuberculosis and AIDS.Ronald Bayer, Nancy Neveloff Dubler & Lawrence O. Gostin - 1993 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 21 (3-4):277-278.
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  18. Nota o sztuce i powtórzeniu.Jean Luc Nancy - 2009 - Nowa Krytyka 22.
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    Hans Christian Andersen's fish out of water.Nancy Easterlin - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (2):251-277.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 25.2 (2001) 251-277 [Access article in PDF] Hans Christian Andersen's Fish Out of Water Nancy Easterlin I Now that Darwinian literary criticism is on the horizon, the natural human tendency to codify manifests itself in calls to summarize succinctly what such an approach entails. Though clarity is always to be praised, bioevolutionary critics need to guard against the reductiveness that has beleaguered attempts at a (...)
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  20. Personhood, autonomy and informed conset.Martin Ajei & Nancy O. Myles - 2018 - In Yaw A. Frimpong-Mansoh & Caesar A. Atuire, Bioethics in Africa: Theories and Praxis. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
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  21. Honneth a Fraserová o uznání a přerozdělování.Nancy FraserovÁ & Axel Honneth - 2005 - Filosoficky Casopis 53:307-310.
    [Honneth and Fraser on recognition and redistribution].
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  22. Repensando o Reconhecimento”.Nancy Fraser - 2010 - Enfoques: Sociologia e Antropologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro 9 (1).
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    Public Health in the Market: Facing Managed Care, Lean Government and Health Disparities.Dan Beauchamp, Lawrence O. Gostin & Nancy Milio - 2002 - Hastings Center Report 32 (4):44.
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    O sistema, ontem e hoje.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2014 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 59 (2):239-254.
    Será que a filosofia francesa possua um espírito de sistema?” Essa questão nos é colocada com uma habilidade que somos, por este fato mesmo, convidados a identificar, avaliar e contornar.
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    Naturalist. Edward O. Wilson.Nancy G. Slack - 1996 - Isis 87 (3):521-524.
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    Learned helplessness in reflective and impulsive mentally retarded and nonretarded children.Richard M. Gargiulo, Patricia S. O’Sullivan & Nancy J. Barr - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (4):269-272.
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    “The bright past”, or whose (hi)story? Challenges in Russia and Serbia today.Nanci Adler - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (4):119-138.
    U Rusiji, dve decenije nakon urusavanja Sovjetskog Saveza, Staljinova popularnost je po anketama javnog mnjenja ogromna, posto se mnogi prisecaju nekadasnjeg ugleda zemlje i svog osecaja sigurnosti. Slicno tome, mnogi Srbi, koji su bili najveca grupa u bivsoj Jugoslaviji, s nostalgijom su gledali na vreme nacionalnog ponosa i materijalnog komfora. Nasuprot tome, potcinjene etnicke zajednice u isto to vreme osecale su frustraciju u teznji za nacionalnim ponosom. Svaki politicki poredak ima jednu pripovest sacinjenu od odabranih i povezanih dogadjaja koji promovisu (...)
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    Big Guys, Babies, and Beauty.Nancy Easterlin - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (1):155-165.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 25.1 (2001) 155-165 [Access article in PDF] Critical Discussions Big Guys, Babies, and Beauty Nancy Easterlin Art and Intimacy: How the Arts Began, by Ellen Dissanayake; xvii & 265 pp. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2000, $29.95. The intellectual climate of postmodernism has not been particularly encouraging for the development of an evolutionary theory of the arts. Concentrated in constructionist modes of analysis and interpretation (...)
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    Recognition memory for nonobject drawings.Lien-Chong Mou, Nancy S. Anderson, W. S. Vaughan & Richard O. Rouse - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (5):399-401.
  30. El espíritu existe de manera plural.Jean Luc Nancy & Juan Carlos Moreno Romo - 2013 - Escritos 21 (47):395-418.
    Los autores conversan sobre la distinta relación que tienen con la filosofía las lenguas española y francesa, encontrando la explicación de esa diferencia principalmente en los “espíritus” que nos separan, no obstante nuestra considerable cercanía lingüística. Mientras que la Reforma y la Contrarreforma exigieron de Francia un “humanismo del saber objetivo, del individuo y del progreso”, la cultura española dio de sí “un paradójico humanismo de la fe, de la expansión y de los juegos de la apariencia”. El “espíritu de (...)
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    Theology and the social sciences-discipline and antidiscipline.Nancy Murphy - 1990 - Zygon 25 (3):309-316.
    In this review of papers by E. O. Wilson, Philip Gorski, and Robert Segal, I apply Wilson's description of the relations between a discipline and its antidiscipline (the science just below it in the hierarchy of sciences) to the relations between theology and the social sciences. I claim (contra Gorski) that a common methodology is applicable to natural science, social science, and theology. However, despite the fact that a discipline cannot ordinarily be reduced to its antidiscipline, I claim (with Segal) (...)
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    ¿Quién cuenta? Dilemas de la justicia en un mundo postwestfaliano.Nancy Fraser - 2010 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 44:311-328.
    E n est e ens a yo l a autor a present a u n model o alte r nat ivo a l imaginari o polític o w es t f alian o qu e reconoc e l a “justici a ano r mal ” com o e l horizont e dentr o de l cua l tiene n que pros e gui r actualment e toda s la s batalla s contr a l a injusticia . S e trat (...)
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  33. Public Health Ethics: Mapping the Terrain.James F. Childress, Ruth R. Faden, Ruth D. Gaare, Lawrence O. Gostin, Jeffrey Kahn, Richard J. Bonnie, Nancy E. Kass, Anna C. Mastroianni, Jonathan D. Moreno & Phillip Nieburg - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (2):170-178.
    Public health ethics, like the field of public health it addresses, traditionally has focused more on practice and particular cases than on theory, with the result that some concepts, methods, and boundaries remain largely undefined. This paper attempts to provide a rough conceptual map of the terrain of public health ethics. We begin by briefly defining public health and identifying general features of the field that are particularly relevant for a discussion of public health ethics.Public health is primarily concerned with (...)
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    Full Collection of Personal Narratives.Stephanie Arnold, Kim Elizabeth Herschaf, Peter M. Anthony, Jean R. Hausheer, Raymond O’Brien, Jean Barban, Bill McDonald, Ellen Whealton, Nancy Evans Bush, Chris Batts, Karen Thomas, Erica McKenzie, Rynn Burke, Peter Baldwin Panagore, Sue Pighini, Tony Woody, Ingrid Honkala & P. M. H. Atwater - 2020 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 10 (1):1-31.
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    Buddhist-Christian Dialogue in an Age of Science (review).Nancy R. Howell - 2010 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 30:209-211.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Buddhist-Christian Dialogue in an Age of ScienceNancy R. HowellBuddhist-Christian Dialogue in an Age of Science. By Paul O. Ingram. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2008. 155 pp.To my knowledge, Paul Ingram’s Buddhist-Christian Dialogue in an Age of Science undertakes a new project: Systematic and methodological analysis of how Buddhist-Christian dialogue can be shaped by focus on the natural sciences, or, alternatively, how science-religion dialogue can be enhanced through (...)
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  36. Medical Encounter.Gail Coover, Dale Guenter, Elizabeth Clark, Janet Hortin, Joseph F. O’Donnell, Michael W. Rabow, Rachel N. Remen, Aanand D. Naik, Krista Hirschmann & Nancy Berlinger - 2007 - Complexity 21 (1).
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  37. Clarifying the Ethics and Oversight of Chimeric Research.Josephine Johnston, Insoo Hyun, Carolyn P. Neuhaus, Karen J. Maschke, Patricia Marshall, Kaitlynn P. Craig, Margaret M. Matthews, Kara Drolet, Henry T. Greely, Lori R. Hill, Amy Hinterberger, Elisa A. Hurley, Robert Kesterson, Jonathan Kimmelman, Nancy M. P. King, Melissa J. Lopes, P. Pearl O'Rourke, Brendan Parent, Steven Peckman, Monika Piotrowska, May Schwarz, Jeff Sebo, Chris Stodgell, Robert Streiffer & Amy Wilkerson - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (S2):2-23.
    This article is the lead piece in a special report that presents the results of a bioethical investigation into chimeric research, which involves the insertion of human cells into nonhuman animals and nonhuman animal embryos, including into their brains. Rapid scientific developments in this field may advance knowledge and could lead to new therapies for humans. They also reveal the conceptual, ethical, and procedural limitations of existing ethics guidance for human‐nonhuman chimeric research. Led by bioethics researchers working closely with an (...)
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    Treating Workers as Essential Too: An Ethical Framework for Public Health Interventions to Prevent and Control COVID-19 Infections among Meat-processing Facility Workers and Their Communities in the United States.Kelly K. Dineen, Abigail Lowe, Nancy E. Kass, Lisa M. Lee, Matthew K. Wynia, Teck Chuan Voo, Seema Mohapatra, Rachel Lookadoo, Athena K. Ramos, Jocelyn J. Herstein, Sara Donovan, James V. Lawler, John J. Lowe, Shelly Schwedhelm & Nneka O. Sederstrom - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (2):301-314.
    Meat is a multi-billion-dollar industry that relies on people performing risky physical work inside meat-processing facilities over long shifts in close proximity. These workers are socially disempowered, and many are members of groups beset by historic and ongoing structural discrimination. The combination of working conditions and worker characteristics facilitate the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Workers have been expected to put their health and lives at risk during the pandemic because of government and industry pressures to keep (...)
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  39. Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors: A Position Paper.Maristella Agosti, Moira Allan, Ágnes Bene, Kathryn L. Braun, Luigi Campanella, Marek Chałas, Cheah Tuck Wing, Dragan Čišić, George Christodoulou, Elísio Manuel de Sousa Costa, Lucija Čok, Jožica Dorniž, Aleksandar Erceg, Marzanna Farnicka, Anna Grabowska, Jože Gričar, Anne-Marie Guillemard, An Hermans, Helen Hirsh Spence, Jan Hively, Paul Irving, Loredana Ivan, Miha Ješe, Isaac Kabelenga, Andrzej Klimczuk, Jasna Kolar Macur, Annigje Kruytbosch, Dušan Luin, Heinrich C. Mayr, Magen Mhaka-Mutepfa, Marian Niedźwiedziński, Gyula Ocskay, Christine O’Kelly, Nancy Papalexandri, Ermira Pirdeni, Tine Radinja, Anja Rebolj, Gregory M. Sadlek, Raymond Saner, Lichia Saner-Yiu, Bernhard Schrefler, Ana Joao Sepúlveda, Giuseppe Stellin, Dušan Šoltés, Adolf Šostar, Paul Timmers, Bojan Tomšič, Ljubomir Trajkovski, Bogusława Urbaniak, Peter Wintlev-Jensen & Valerie Wood-Gaiger - unknown - Developing the Silver Economy and Related Government Resources for Seniors: A Position Paper.
    The precarious rights of senior citizens, especially those who are highly educated and who are expected to counsel and guide the younger generations, has stimulated the creation internationally of advocacy associations and opinion leader groups. The strength of these groups, however, varies from country to country. In some countries, they are supported and are the focus of intense interest; in others, they are practically ignored. For this is reason we believe that the creation of a network of all these associations (...)
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  40. Grande Sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.Felipe W. Martinez, Nancy Fumero & Ben Segal - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):27-43.
    INTRODUCTION BY NANCY FUMERO What is a translation that stalls comprehension? That, when read, parsed, obfuscates comprehension through any language – English, Portuguese. It is inevitable that readers expect fidelity from translations. That language mirror with a sort of precision that enables the reader to become of another location, condition, to grasp in English in a similar vein as readers of Portuguese might from João Guimarães Rosa’s GRANDE SERTÃO: VEREDAS. There is the expectation that translations enable mobility. That what (...)
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    Motivos de presentación de casos clínicos de pacientes ante el Comité Hospitalario de Bioética, en un Hospital de Segundo Nivel.Samuel Weingerz Mehl, Luz Adriana Templos Esteban, Nancy Elízabeth Rangel Domínguez & Vanesa Rocío Orellana Caro - 2021 - Medicina y Ética 32 (3):703-757.
    Los Comités Hospitalarios de Bioética (CHB) tienen la atribución de emitir sugerencias al personal de salud, ante casos clínicos difíciles que involucran problemas y/o dilemas bioéticos. A nivel mundial, y también en México, se encontró poca literatura relacionada, generando en ocasiones cierto grado de incertidumbre en los profesionales de la salud para su resolución. Objetivo: describir los motivos de presentación de casos clínicos de pacientes ante el CHB en un hospital de segundo nivel, desde junio de 2007 a junio de (...)
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  42. La expatriación como condena: Una lectura existencial de “Del país de la pena” por Hanni Ossott.Humberto González Núñez - 2018 - Res Publica 21 (3):529-544.
    El propósito del presente ensayo es desarrollar una lectura existencial del poema “Del país de la pena” escrita por la poeta venezolana Hanni Ossott con el fin de pensar el término “expatriación” como concepto filosófico. Luego de una introducción histórica que busca situar el poema de Ossott al filo de una tradición poética que busca recuperar la sensación de extranjeridad frente a lo propiamente nacional, éste ensayo se propone trazar los horizontes metodológicos de la interpretación del poema a través de (...)
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  43. El nudo infrapolítico y la verdad de la democracia.Humberto González Núñez - 2018 - Pensamiento Al Margen:160-181.
    Este ensayo expone la manera en que el pensamiento deconstructivo de Jean-Luc Nancy desarrolla un modelo de democracia que va desde sus primeros escritos interpretando a Heidegger y lo elemental del ‘ser-con’ como la categoría por la cual recibimos nuestra experiencia del ser (en un pensamiento que llamamos ‘proto-democrático’) que luego se relacionarán de forma explícita con sus trabajos tardíos sobre la democracia. Siguiendo este trabajo exegético, proponemos una lectura interpretativa que busca argumentar que el pensamiento de Nancy (...)
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    Leyes de naturaleza o ¿cómo las personas preparan su carácter para soportar el Estado civil?Christian Núñez - 2021 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 35:349-373.
    Resumen En el Leviatán Hobbes implementa la ley de naturaleza como la condición de posibilidad del desarrollo epistemológico que convierte al animal en humano, en el estado de naturaleza. De acuerdo con esta fórmula, la moral se desarrolla cuando los hombres empiezan a comportarse de acuerdo con el contenido no explícito de las leyes de naturaleza, comportamiento posibilitado por su sujeción a un hombre fuerte, quien tiene la función moral de administrar justicia. Esta doble función moral de las leyes de (...)
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  45. Nieburg Phillip.F. Childress James, R. Faden Ruth, D. Gaare Ruth, O. Gostin Lawrence, Bonnie Richard J. Kahn Jeffrey, E. Kass Nancy, C. Mastroianni Anna & D. Moreno Jonathan - 2002 - Public Health Ethics: Mapping the Terrain. J Law Med Ethics 30 (2):170-178.
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    René Girard and Creative Mimesis.Pablo Bandera, Christina Biava, Robin Collins, Robert Doran, Joachim Duyndam, Patrick Imbert, André Lascaris, Richard McGuigan, Wolfgang Palaver, Andrew O'Shea, Nancy Popp, Petra Steinmair-Pösel, Martha Reineke & Francis Tobienne - 2013 - Lanham MD: Lexington Books.
    This book explores the nature and implications of positive, creative, and loving mimesis and brings together the interdisciplinary fields of Girardian studies and creativity studies in new and original ways. Scientists, philosophers, psychologists, theologians and ancient thinkers are brought into thought provoking and insightful dialogue with Girardian conceptions of mimetic desire, scapegoating, and hominization.
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    Moderate threat causes longer lasting disruption to processing in anxious individuals.Sophie Forster, Anwar O. Nunez-Elizalde, Elizabeth Castle & Sonia J. Bishop - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Culturally appropriate consent processes for community-driven indigenous child health research: a scoping review.Cindy Peltier, Sarah Dickson, Viviane Grandpierre, Irina Oltean, Lorrilee McGregor, Emilie Hageltorn & Nancy L. Young - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-12.
    Background Current requirements for ethical research in Canada, specifically the standard of active or signed parental consent, can leave Indigenous children and youth with inequitable access to research opportunities or health screening. Our objective was to examine the literature to identify culturally safe research consent processes that respect the rights of Indigenous children, the rights and responsibilities of parents or caregivers, and community protocols. Methods We followed PRISMA guidelines and Arksey and O’Malley’s approach for charting and synthesizing evidence. We searched (...)
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  49.  14
    Pedagogias de (re)existências do movimento de mulheres negras na Bahia em tempos de pandemia.Joana Maria Leôncio Núñez & Jane Adriana Vasconcelos Pacheco Rios - 2021 - Odeere 6 (1):287-310.
    O texto apresenta experiências e pedagogias de existências construídas na/com a Rede de Mulheres Negras da Bahia, no âmbito da Pandemia do Sars-Cov2. Trata-se de uma pesquisa em andamento, fundamentada nos estudos do feminismo negro e nas teorias decoloniais. A partir de narrativas inspiradas nas escrevivências de Conceição Evaristo, o estudo aponta o ativismo dos Movimentos de Mulheres Negras da Bahia e a construção de outras epistemologias que rompem com a geopolítica do conhecimento colonizado. O trabalho inscreve as primeiras incursões (...)
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  50.  19
    El estatuto del lenguaje de la religión. La búsqueda de un lugar en Latinoamérica.César Carbullanca Nuñez & Martin Becker Lorca - 2023 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 28:e85727.
    La investigación actual ha puesto de relieve la centralidad del lenguaje de la religión para un estudio científico de la disciplina en Latinoamérica, esta afirmación contrasta con el hecho que el lenguaje de la religión ni siquiera es indicada en los manuales como una subdisciplina, o apenas mencionada como un área en construcción, esto muestra la falta de una fundamentación teórica sobre el estatus epistémico de esta disciplina. El lenguaje de la religión no se refiere al carácter instrumental del lenguaje (...)
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